- Bloodborne Moon Presence Guide - October 28, 2022
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- Bloodborne Runes Guide - September 8, 2022
One of the main aspects of a Fromsoftware game that makes them so popular is the exploration. Soulsborne games have always been known for their difficulty; the only way to combat this is through exploration. The tools you need to take down that next boss or find that next lantern are scattered throughout the world, and it is up to you to find them. One of these tools you can find in Bloodborne is called Caryll Runes.
The Runes are great ways to give the Hunter small yet significant advantages that could help turn the tide in battle.
If you have played any of the Dark Souls games before, you will see that these Runes are very much like rings. Each Rune gives a unique boost to a particular aspect of your character, and there is a wide range of advantages that these Runes can provide you.
Also, like in Dark Souls, each Rune has multiple variations, and some are upgraded versions of the others. Below, I will list all of the primary runes and their functions, as well as where to find them:
How to Use Runes
These runes are great to use, and each has unique benefits that can assist you in combat and exploration. Before you can even equip these runes, you will need to grab an item called the Rune Workshop Tool. This is found right after the battle with the Witches of Hemwick, in a room down some stairs in the back of the arena.
After grabbing this item, you will want to head back to the Hunters Dream and inside the Workshop. Approach the altar in the back of the Workshop; here, you can equip the runes you have collected in your travels. You can fit three memory runes and one oath rune; some of these runes have more potent effects than others.
My favorite is the Milkweed Rune, as equipping that will transform you into a Celestial Being, able to attack with your tentacle-like hands.
Each Rune is situational, so do not be afraid to experiment and tweak your runes around your build or encounters. If you are farming, try and use the Moon Rune to level up quickly. If you are struggling in a fight, the Odeon Wraith and Communication can help with healing and bullets, while the Lake and Hunter runes can significantly increase your abilities in combat.
Runes are an essential part of any Hunter’s journey, and while it may seem confusing at first, the rune system is pretty easy to understand with some experience. These runes will become your best friend in your playthrough, as their vast array of benefits can significantly help one overcome a challenge they are stuck on.
Anticlockwise Metamorphosis – Boosts Max Stamina
First Form Location(+10%)
-This can be found in the Forbidden Woods. On the path where the blue aliens roam in the woods, to the left of the snake head enemy, we can find the first version of this Rune. After finding the aliens, clear them out before you grab any items. After taking out the aliens, you can find the Rune lying behind a grave near the base of a tree.
Second Form Location(+15%)
-The second form is also in the Forbidden Woods and is along the same path. After grabbing the first form of this Rune, turn around and follow the path until you can take a right. Here you will see a pig standing in your way, so kill it and move forward.
Follow the dark water path until you find another pig, and kill it before we move on. Head down the path until you reach the fork where you can go left to the Shadows of Yharnam. Instead, take a right, run up the hill, open the gate at the top, and grab the Rune.
Third Form Location(+20%)
-This is a complicated run, but the third one can be found in the Nightmare Frontier. On the path where we encounter the Patches trap, where all the boulder-throwing trolls are, we need to head past the trap into a tunnel. Dropping down this tunnel will give us the third version of this Rune.
Beast – Temporary Boost to Transformations
First Form(+20)
-This first Rune can be found in the Healing Church Workshop, at the very bottom of the tower. You will need to drop all the way down and defeat the Beast down below. After doing this, the enemy will drop the Rune.
Second Form(+50):
-This form is a little complicated to find because the task is a little daunting. The Suspicious Beggar, who transforms into a giant beast if you call him out or try killing him, can be found in the Forbidden Woods. Killing him will drop this Rune.
Third Form(+100)
-This final form can be found in the Ailing Loran Chalice Dungeon, in the secret area after you open the first seal. After traversing the level, you will find a staircase leading down, with an enemy guarding a chest. Kill the enemy, and the Rune can be found in the chest.
Beast’s Embrace – Temporarily Transforms Hunter into a beast
Single Form:
This is one of the Runes with one form, which can only be acquired after defeating Laurence, the First Vicar.
Arcane Lake – Arcane Damage Reduction
-First Form(+5%)
This form can be found in the Yahar’gul Unseen Village, which can be accessed by getting kidnapped by one of the Baggers. Once inside Yahar’gul Unseen Village. In the room with the Skeleton Slugs, you will find this Rune resting on a corpse.
-Second Form(+7%)
The second form is located within Bygenwerth, very close to the lamp. Running straight and slightly to the left, you will run into a brainsucker by a tree. Kill him, and you will be able to grab the Rune.
-This final form can be found in the Isz Root Chalice, where you will again need to take the secret door between levels to access it. In the room with a space-like hue, a brainsucker is guarding a chest. Inside this chest, we can find the Rune.
Clockwise Metamorphosis- Boosts Max Health
First Form (+5%)-
This form of the Rune can be found in the Forbidden Woods, behind a locked gate that comes after the Shadows of Yharnam boss fight.
Second form (+10%)-
The second form can be found in the Nightmare Frontier, near the giant stone bridge. There will be a small cave at the end of this bridge, and you will want to head in and immediately drop down to the right. Inside the small room, you will find the Rune.
Third form (+15%)-
The final form of this Rune is found in the Pthumeru Root Chalice. There is a chest in the back that holds this Rune. You will need to kill the bosses of two layers, and once you have done this, you will find yourself in a room with a bunch of spiders.
Blood Rapture – Visceral Attacks Restore Health
First Form(+200)-
This Rune is a simple get, as it is dropped by the Shadows of Yharnam.
Second Form(+250)-
The second form is found deep within the Cursed Root Chalice. Once you have opened the first seal on layer 1, go to the door and open it up. Take a left into the secret area, and traverse through the blood-soaked floor. Once you reach a set of stairs, head up and run into the room with a bagger. There will be more stairs here, so run up and get the chest guarded by the Brainsucker to get this Rune.
Third Form(+300)
For this Rune, you must kill the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst in Eileen the Crow’s questline.
Clawmark- Increases Visceral Attack Damage Output
First Form(+10%)
This Rune can be found at the Hypogean Gaol lamp within Yahar’gul Unseen Village after the Hunter has killed Rom.
Second Form(+20%)
The second version of this Rune is also found after killing Rom at the Central Yharnam Lamp. The NPC asking for help at the start of the game, named Gilbert, sadly changes to a beast, and killing him will drop the Rune.
Third form (+30%)
This last form can be found in the Lower Ailing Loran Root Chalice Dungeon, where you will need to travel through the area until you enter a room with a chest guarded by a tall, torch-wielding enemy. In the chest will be the Rune.
Clear Deep Sea – Adds a Slow Poison Resistance
First Form(+100)
This Rune is found in the Forbidden Woods, behind a giant gravestone near the large snake enemies. Looping around to the back of the grave will reveal the Rune.
Second Form(+200)
This form of the Rune is found within the Nightmare Frontier, behind the giant rock-throwing giant on the left side of the hill. Traversing up to him will allow you to kill him and grab the Rune.
Third Form(+300)
This Rune can be found in the Lower Ailing Loran Root Chalice after defeating the boss on layer one. Enter the secret door in the hallways, and traverse the level until you reach a chest guarded by enemies.
Communion- Maximum Blood Vials Held Increases
First Form(+1)
This form is found in the area in Cathedral Ward that is unlocked by killing the Blood Starved Beast. It will be in the first chest you see after the elevator.
Second Form(+2)
This form of the Rune can be found after some exploration within the Lecture Building.
Third Form(+3)
The third form of the Rune can be found within Iosefka’s Clinic.
Fourth Form(+4)
The Celestial Emissary boss drops this Rune.
Fifth Form (+5)
This last form is found within the Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice Dungeon.
Corruption – Continually Heal When Close to Death
Single Form(+1)
Join the Cainhurst Vilebloods to get this Rune.
Dissipating Lake – Bolt Damage Reduction
First Form(+5%)
This Rune can be found within the Forbidden Woods. In the long, swampy marsh where the pig is, we need to look on the left side to find this Rune resting on a corpse.
Second Form(+7)
This second form is found in a chest within the Ailing Loran Root Chalice Dungeon.
Third Form (+10%)
This Rune is also found within a chalice dungeon. This one is the Lower Ailing Loran Root Chalice, in a chest located in the secret area of the level.
Deep Sea- Increases Frenzy resistance
First Form (+100)
This first form of the Rune can be found within a chest within the Lower Hintertomb Root Chalice Dungeon.
Second Form (+200)
This Rune is found within the Forbidden Woods, guarded by two giant snake enemies. After taking these two snake enemies out, head into the corner of the path to grab the Rune.
Third Form (+300)
This last version of the Rune is located in the Isz Root Chalice Dungeon, deep in the level within a chest.
Fading Lake – Fire Damage Reduction
First Form(5%)
This first form of the Rune is located in the Nightmare Frontier. When you reach the area where the two NPCs team up on you, kill them and head up the broken bridge. You will need to jump across a small gap, but after that, you can run up the rest of the hill and grab the Rune.
Second Form (7%)
This second form of this Rune is found within the Ailing Loran Root Chalice Dungeon.
Third Form (10%)
Much like the second form, this third form of the Rune is found within the Lower Ailing Loran Root Chalice Dungeon.
Eye – Enemies Will Drop More Items
First Form(+50)
This first form can be found in the Nightmare of Mensis, actually pretty conveniently placed. It can be found on a corpse beside the Mergo’s Loft: Base lamp.
Second Form(+70)
Master Wilhelm drops this second form right after killing him on his balcony in Byrgenwerth.
Third Form(+100)
The final form of this Rune can be found deep within the Isz Root Chalice Dungeon.
Formless Odeon – Increases Maximum Quicksilver Bullets Hunter can Hold
First Form(+1)
To get this Rune, we must sadly send Father Gascoigne’s daughter to Iosefka’s Clinic, turning her into an alien.
Second Form (+2)
For the second form, we need to travel to the Lower Pthumeru Root Chalice Dungeon.
Third Form (+3)
The third version of this Rune is located in the Cathedral Ward, dropped by the enemy known as Oedon Chapel Dweller.
Fourth Form (+4)
The fourth version of this Rune is found in a secret area on the elevator that takes you to the healing church workshop. While on the elevator, turn around a roll when you see an opening, and head onto the rooftop. Here, there will be a chest with the Rune.
Fifth Form (+5)
This Rune’s fifth and final form is found in the Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice Dungeon.
Great Deep Sea – Increases Every Type of Resistance
First Form (+50)
This first form can be found within the Lower Hintertomb Root Chalice Dungeon
Second Form (+100)
The second form of this Rune is found in the Nightmare Frontier. Drop down into the cave below when you are by the Winter Lantern on the cliff. Once down here, take a right and find the Rune guarded by some squid.
Third Form (+150)
This last version of the Great Deep Sea Rune can be found in the Isz Root Chalice Dungeon.
Hunter – Increases Stamina Recovery Speed
Single Form
Beat Eileen the Crow’s questline
Heir – Obtain more Blood Echoes when killing with a visceral attack
First Form(+20%)
This is dropped by the NPC known as Henryk in the Odeon Chapel area. This is a part of the Eileen the Crow quest line.
Second Form(+40%)
The second form of this Rune is found in Yahar’gul, in the room where a bell ringer summons a wheelchair foe and a werewolf to fight you. It can be found on a corpse in the room.
Third form (+60%)
This last form of the Rune can be found within the Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice Dungeon.
Guidance – Rally Potential Increase
First Form(+10%)
To locate the first form of this Rune, you need to travel to the top floors of the Research Hall. Here, you will encounter the Carrion Crow enemy, and doing so will drop you the Rune.
Second Form(+20%)
You will need to take down Ludwig, the Holy Blade, to get this Rune.
Impurity – Increases the Maximum Amount of Health in PvP by 2%
Single Form
To get this Rune, you will need to join the League of Valtyr
Lake – Physical Damage Reduction
First Form (+3%)
This Rune can be found in Hemwick Charnel Lane on one of the corpses. The item description mentions a body of water, where you will find this Rune. It is past the large black gate in Hemwick Charnel Lane, resting on a corpse.
Milkweed – Transforms Player Into Celestial Being, Also Increases the Chance of Item Discovery
Single Form
To get this Rune, you must complete the Saint Adeline questline. After doing this, you will be rewarded with the Rune.
Moon-Gain more Blood Echoes from slain enemies
First Form(+10%)
This is found at the Hypogean Cell lamp, right down the stairs guarded by two Snatchers. Kill them to obtain the Rune.
Second Form(+20%)
This is located in a boss fight and is among the most hated. When fighting Mikolash, run to the bottom of the spiral staircase. Here you will find the Rune.
Third form (+30%)
This last form of the Rune is found within the Nightmare of Mensis. After dropping the Mother Brain down, travel down there and find her. You will see a giant eye in the darkness, and here you will need to approach the look and use the ‘Make Contact’ gesture to receive this Rune.
Odeon Wraith – Visceral Attacks Give Hunter Quicksilver Bullets
First Form(+1)
This Rune is found after killing Adella in the Odeon Chapel. Killing her will drop this Rune.
Second Form(+2)
This version of the Rune is found after killing Iosefka in her clinic and must be done before the player kills Rom.
Third Form(+3)
This last version of the Rune is found in the Pthumeru Ihyll Root Chalice Dungeon.
Radiance – Increases Health Replenished From Each Blood Vial
Single Form
To acquire this Rune, you need to complete Alfred’s questline. You can find this Rune on his corpse in the first place you met him.
Stunning Deep Sea – Adds a rapid poison resistance
First Form(+100)
This form of the Rune is found in the Lower Hintertomb Root Chalice Dungeon
Second Form(+200)
To find this Rune, you must travel to the Nightmare Frontier. Once you pass the broken bridge, head along the skinny path on the right and drop into an area filled with squid enemies. Travel through the cave, and the Rune will be on the right side right when you leave.
Third Form(+300)
This last form can be found in the Lower Ailing Loran Root Chalice Dungeon.
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